Questions about abstract submission should be sent to:
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is September 7th, 2011.

Abstract submission:

Abstracts are required for all presentations, whether orally presented or poster presentations.

Everyone presenting a paper must be a CAPA member and send by email a registration form. The conference fees must be sent by cheque to the following adress by September 7th, 2011:
                            CAPA 2011
                            Département d'Anthropologie
                            Université de Montréal
                            (adresse à compléter)

All first authors are required to register and pay the registration fee at the time of the abstract submission. Each first author can enter only one abstract. Please go the the registration page for details on how to submit your application and abstract.

The abstract must contain a clear statement of purpose, provide essential new information – including results of the investigation and conclusions – and address the importance of the findings for anthropology. Abstracts should not exceed 350 words in length (do not include tables, figures, graphs, or references in your abstract). If the abstract is for a poster presentation, please state this clearly on the abstract itself.

You will receive notification by e-mail confirming the acceptance of your abstract.

Guidelines for podium presentations:

The room will be equiped with a screen, a lighted podium, a microphone, a laser pointer, a computer projector and a laptop (PC).

Oral presentations are allotted 15 minutes each. However, it is usual (and desirable) for an author to allocate approximately 12 minutes for the formal paper presentation and an additional 3 minutes for questions and discussion.

Careful presentation, practice runs, and use of high-quality visual materials are required to ensure an effective presentation. The session chairperson is responsible for ensuring that all podium presentations are within the predefined time limit.

Bring your presentation file on a CD or a USB device. Do not bring your laptop to the podium. Please scan your CD or USB device for viruses. And, finally, please check your presentation on an IBM-compatible computer other than the one on which you prepared your presentation. This will take care of most compatibility issues that can occure at the time of the presentation.

CDs should be handed to the session chair before the beginning of the session and collected at the end of the session.

Guidelines for poster presentations:

Posters offer great opportunities for interaction with interested viewers as there is ample time to delve into the details of the work presented in a one-on-one setting rather than the 15 minutes allocated for podium presentations. They are an excellent way to reach large audiences, receive useful feedback, and discuss your research.

Posters should not exceed 120cm (3'11'') in height by 110 cm (3'7'') in width. All necessary materials for poster display will be provided.

Poster material should be presented in a clear and logical format. Keep text to a minimum and use graphs or tables to illustrate your message. Titles should be legible 2.5 metres away and viewers should be able to read the text from 1.5 metres distance. Subheadings should be at least 30 point font. Text font should be at least 20 point, though larger font is encouraged.

Guidelines for authors